Greta Thunberg, the ‘Green Prophet’. Climate Movement calls for Christian Gretas & Return to Sabbath

Greta Thunberg, the ‘Green Prophet’. Climate Movement calls for Christian Gretas & Return to Sabbath

If asked to associate a name with the climate justice movement, some would mention Al Gore, others would say Pope Francis; but the person today that has become the face of the climate change movement is a 16 year-old girl from Sweden, Great Thunberg. Thunberg has been able to garner more support for the climate movement than the other climate activists that have come before her, in that she has an appeal to both young and old alike. Were it not for Greta and the excessive media coverage of her activism and movement, many young people and their parents would be indifferent to and possibly unaware of what Greta and others are calling the climate emergency. Even Al Gore recognizes this as evidenced in this recent headline: “Al Gore: Youth Activists Are Demanding Action Against Climate Change. It’s Time For Us to Listen.”1

Of course Greta Thunberg has been influenced by both Pope Francis, whom she met in April of 20192 and Al Gore who she also met.3 Both men have also praised Greta for her climate activism and have urged her to continue. Pope Francis has not once stated that the legal enforcement of Sunday rest, the so-called Christian Sabbath, is a part of the solution to address the climate crisis and save the planet.4 Now, Greta Thunberg and her climate movement are calling for the same. Look at this startling November 20 headline: “Your view: Greta’s weekly climate strikes ask for return to Sabbath.” It states the following: “Most are aware of the Sabbath (which means ‘to rest’ in Hebrew), where Moses taught that we 

should rest every seven days to glorify ‘The Creator,’ thus giving us the week that we still use today.  Fewer, however, are aware that the Sabbath also teaches that we should leave fields fallow every seventh year, to give the land a rest as well. Greta Thunberg’s weekly climate strikes, which have grown to include millions of people worldwide, essentially combines the practice of giving ourselves and nature a rest into the same day for the same practical reason of the Sabbath, to maintain the abundant nature of ‘The Creation…’ So in some essential ways, Greta is like a modern-day Moses, asking us to slow down our consumption to a sustainable level so that humanity can live as responsible stewards of the earth, instead of ever-demanding consumers. And she’s going about it the same way, by leading weekly climate strikes that millions around the world have now joined. When the weekly climate strikes grow beyond the students and into the working world and then into our general society where everyone is striking for the climate once a week, then the practical idea behind the Sabbath will be re-achieved.5 There it is in black and white: “From Fridays for future to Sundays for future!” “Sunday rest to secure the future.”

Did you notice, that Greta is being called, a modern-day Moses. Was not Pope Francis also called a modern-day Moses in the preparatory document for the Amazon Synod?6 The Intelligencer asks the question, “Is Greta a green prophet.”7 While another article asks the question “Where Are the Christian Greta Thunbergs?” Notice that “Thunberg” is plural, meaning that a Christian climate movement will swell the cry for a return to Sunday. In the article, we read, “Like a prophet, Greta speaks powerfully and directly…So where are the Christian Greta Thunbergs?…If Christian Greta Thunbergs emerged and Christians responded to them, it would be the first time in history Christians stepped forward as a whole body of Christ based on the conviction that God’s earth mattered…Being deeply devoted to keeping the Sabbath was one of the central features of the Jewish faith-culture.”8

Greta’s Call: Return to Sabbath. Her Final Message to U.S., Vote. Where are the Christian Gretas? What were Your Motives for becoming a Christian? The Refiner’s Fire will Reveal Hearts.

What was this “green prophet’s” parting message, her final warning, to the American people as she prepared to depart? The Guardian records: “Greta Thunberg leaves US with simple climate crisis message: vote.”9 We can be certain that climate change will be one of the biggest issues in the upcoming elections; and politicians in order to secure or retain their positions will adapt their policies and positions to reflect voters’ demands. “The dignitaries of church and state will unite to bribe, persuade, or compel all classes to honor the Sunday. The lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments. Political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth; and even in free America, rulers and legislators, in order to secure public favor, will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance. Liberty of conscience, which has cost so great a sacrifice, will no longer be respected.”10

A huge climate strike was held on a Friday in 31 A.D. wherein a vote was taken, to release Barabbas, a thief and murderer and to crucify Jesus, the Messiah, which typifies the crisis between the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast, God’s Seventh-day Sabbath and the Papal Sunday “Sabbath.” The time is not far distant when the Mark of the Beast will be urged upon all the inhabitants of the earth, what and who will you choose to follow? 

Please view the embedded video to learn more.