“Science” Used to Confirm “Speaking In Tongues.” What does the Bible Say?

“Science” Used to Confirm “Speaking In Tongues.” What does the Bible Say?

“Science” Used to Confirm “Speaking In Tongues.” What does the Bible Say? Satan is doing all in his power to give credibility to false doctrines to lead people away from the Bible and thus away from God; science is often the medium used to do just that. Many assert that the Bible and science are irreconcilable and…

This day in History: 205th Anniversary of Jesuit Restoration

This day in History: 205th Anniversary of Jesuit Restoration

This day in History: 205th Anniversary of Jesuit Restoration August 7 is a highly significant day for Roman Catholics, specifically the Society of Jesus or the Jesuit Order. It is the order’s 205th year since its restoration (after being suppressed). America Magazine, a Jesuit publication, republished an article in commemoration and celebration of this anniversary….

Hypocrisy of Popery: “Free Women From Slavery of Prostitution.” Yet Roman Catholicism, the Largest Sex Trafficking Ring

Hypocrisy of Popery: “Free Women From Slavery of Prostitution.” Yet Roman Catholicism, the Largest Sex Trafficking Ring

Hypocrisy of Popery: “Free Women From Slavery of Prostitution.” Yet Roman Catholicism, the Largest Sex Trafficking Ring While Pope Francis and Roman Catholicism present themselves to the world as moral authorities, given the church’s reprehensible and sordid history as well as the recent scandals it is involved in, neither one is in a position to…

False Gospel Preached at TED Pathfinder Camporee 2019

False Gospel Preached at TED Pathfinder Camporee 2019

False Gospel Preached at TED Pathfinder Camporee 2019 At this very moment, some 4,000 Pathfinders from across Europe and other parts of the world are convened in England for the Trans-European Division’s Camporee. As these thousands of Seventh-day Adventists sit packed in the auditorium, they face “a stage decorated to look Egyptian, in keeping with…

Controversy surrounding Members of Knights of Columbus in American Politics: A Federal Judge & U.S. Attorney General

Controversy surrounding Members of Knights of Columbus in American Politics: A Federal Judge & U.S. Attorney General

Controversy surrounding Members of Knights of Columbus in American Politics: A Federal Judge & U.S. Attorney General Does being a member of an extreme, secret religious order preclude a person from being a federal judge in the United States in 2019? No, it doesn’t! “The Senate on Wednesday [July 24] voted to confirm Brian Buescher,…

Laudato Si Generation. Roman Catholic Church Admits: Last Generation ‘Marked’ by Laudato Si

Laudato Si Generation. Roman Catholic Church Admits: Last Generation ‘Marked’ by Laudato Si

Laudato Si Generation. Roman Catholic Church Admits: Last Generation ‘Marked’ by Laudato Si The condition of the world testifies emphatically that the end of all things is at hand. According to Bible prophecy, this is the final generation (see Matthew 24:34, Mark 13:30, Luke 21:32 in their contexts).  The scriptures testify that weather catastrophes constitute…

Two Boxers Die in One Week From Injuries Sustained in the Boxing Ring Christians and Sports

Two Boxers Die in One Week From Injuries Sustained in the Boxing Ring Christians and Sports

Two Boxers Die in One Week From Injuries Sustained in the Boxing Ring Christians and Sports It is with deep sadness that we report that in the same week, two boxers have died as a result of injuries sustained in boxing matches. From CNN, The boxing world was shaken for the second time this week…

First The Great Hope, now the General Conference Publishes NKJV Hope Bible. Vain Hope as we near the Blessed Hope?

First The Great Hope, now the General Conference Publishes NKJV Hope Bible. Vain Hope as we near the Blessed Hope?

First The Great Hope, now the General Conference Publishes NKJV Hope Bible. Vain Hope as we near the Blessed Hope? It seems as though General Conference leaders have an infatuation with giving people hope through various initiatives and books. Sadly, it is a false hope, a deceptive and vain hope, not based on truth in…

Climate Activists Go from 12 year Prediction to 18 Months To Save the Planet US ‘Summoned’ to Carry out Solutions in Laudato Si

Climate Activists Go from 12 year Prediction to 18 Months To Save the Planet US ‘Summoned’ to Carry out Solutions in Laudato Si

Climate Activists Go from 12 year Prediction to 18 Months To Save the Planet US ‘Summoned’ to Carry out Solutions in Laudato Si In today’s society, end-time preachers and evangelists have gotten a bad reputation. They are often accused of fear-mongering and sensationalizing current events which is said to lead individuals into fanaticism and extremism….

Pope to reshape Leadership of U.S. Catholic Church in his OWN IMAGE in order to Influence U.S. Civil Leaders

Pope to reshape Leadership of U.S. Catholic Church in his OWN IMAGE in order to Influence U.S. Civil Leaders

Pope to reshape Leadership of U.S. Catholic Church in his OWN IMAGE in order to Influence U.S. Civil Leaders The prophecies of Revelation 13 have nearly reached their complete fulfillment as movements in the world clearly indicate.  The United States government under the initiation and influence of Roman Catholicism will pass religious laws under a…